The Mouse and the Bull

The Mouse and the Bull

In a dense forest, there lived a strong and mighty bull named Balram. He was known for his strength and power, and no animal dared to challenge him. One day, while grazing in the meadow, a tiny mouse named Chotu ran by and accidentally brushed against Balram’s leg.

Balram was so startled that he jumped and kicked, trying to shake off the mouse. Chotu, realizing the trouble he had caused, quickly apologized. “I am so sorry, mighty Balram. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

Balram, feeling embarrassed that a tiny mouse had frightened him, snorted angrily. “How dare a little mouse like you scare me? I could crush you with my hooves!”

Chotu, trembling with fear, said, “Please forgive me, Balram. I didn’t mean any harm. If you spare my life, I promise to help you one day.”

Balram laughed at the idea. “You, a tiny mouse, help me, the mighty bull? How amusing!” But he decided to let Chotu go, thinking the mouse was too insignificant to cause any real trouble.

Days passed, and Balram soon forgot about the incident. One day, while wandering through the forest, Balram got caught in a hunter’s trap. Thick ropes wrapped around his legs, and no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn’t break free.

Balram bellowed for help, but none of the forest animals dared to approach the trap, fearing the hunters. Just when Balram was losing hope, Chotu appeared. “Don’t worry, Balram. I promised to help you, and I will,” said the little mouse.

With his sharp teeth, Chotu began gnawing at the ropes. He worked tirelessly, and soon, he managed to chew through the ropes, freeing Balram from the trap.

Balram, now free, looked at Chotu with gratitude and respect. “Thank you, Chotu. I see now that even the smallest creatures can be of great help.”

Chotu smiled and said, “We all have our own strengths, Balram. No one should be underestimated.”

Moral of the story: Never underestimate the power of the small and weak.

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